WP-Polls & WP-UserOnline Updates

WP-Polls 2.12 Beta
» No more the use of IMG tag to generate the poll’s result. It is now based on DIV tag. The default class to it is ‘pollbar-image’ in which it will use the image as the background in the DIV. If you like something simpler, you can always replace it with ‘pollbar-css’. This will use CSS to generate the color of the poll result bar which can be configured in ‘polls-css.css’.

» I have gotten rid of wp-polls.php and the archive link below the Poll. Now if you want to to show the Polls Archive, just create a page and type in [ page_polls ] (without any spaces) in the post’s content area.

» Now you can have the title of the Poll’s Widget.

» Ability to logged by Username instead of by cookie/ip.

» Fixed an AJAX problem in which if the site’s URL doesn’t match WP Option’s Site URL, WP-Polls will not work.

WP-UserOnline 2.05 Beta
» I have gotten rid of wp-useronline.php. Now to show the UserOnline page, just create a page and type in [ page_useronline ] (without any spaces) in the post’s content area, followed by the URL to that newly created page in ‘WP-Admin -> Options -> Useronline’.

» Changed in WP-UserOnline structure: Members Mean Registered Users and Guests Mean Comment Authors or Visitors

» get_users_browsing_site(false) and get_users_browsing_page(false) will now return an array containing Total Users, Total Members, Total Guests and Total Bots Online

» Now you can have the title of the UserOnline’s Widget.

» Fixed an AJAX problem in which if the site’s URL doesn’t match WP Option’s Site URL, WP-UserOnline will not work.

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WP-Polls And WP-PostRatings Issues With Opera

It has come to my knowledge that wp-polls and wp-postratings does not work with Opera. After much research, I found out that Opera does not support alpha/opacity.

» WP-Polls Fixed polls-js.js
» WP-PostRatings Fixed postratings-js.js

Just overwrite the old .js file with the new .js file as attached in the forum post listed above.

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WordPress 2.7 Beta 3

WordPress 2.7 Beta 3 has been released.

  • Numerous style improvements and refinements.
  • All admin notices now go under the page title.
  • PHP Notice fixes.
  • Dashboard widget options now properly save.
  • Menu fixes.
  • New design for Quick Edit.
  • Canonical feed URL fixes.
  • Walker fixes.
  • An update for Hello Dolly.
  • Plugin installer updates.
  • Numerous font updates.
  • Updated login logo.
  • Switch position of “Save Draft” and “Preview” buttons in publish module.
  • File upload support for MS Office 2007+ file formats.
  • Media upload buttons won’t show if the user doesn’t have the upload capability.
  • Canonical redirects only do yes-www or no-www redirection for domains.
  • Shift-click checkbox range selection improvement.
  • Add New User page now separate.
  • Tag suggest only suggests tags (not other taxonomy terms).
  • QuickPress shows “Submit for Review” if user cannot publish.
  • Private posts/pages, and password-protected posts/pages are rolled into new “Visibility” section of publish module.

I got a feeling beta 3 will be a last beta and an RC1 will hit us next week.

Download: WordPress 2.7 Beta 3

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My Plugins With WordPress 2.6 Beta

I have downloaded WordPress 2.6 Beta 1 and installed it. Not much difference from WordPress 2.5 in terms of the layout.

Now on the extreme top menu on the extreme right, there is a link called “Speed up!” which links to Google Gears.

In the Dashboard, right under “Right Now”, there is a comment break down added to it. Here is an example: “You have 1 post, 1 page, contained within 1 category and 0 tags. Current comment break down: 1 total, 1 approved, 0 spam and 0 awaiting moderation.”

When you write a page or post, underneath the “Save” and “Published” button, there is a word count indicator.

The display of themes under “Available Themes” has also changed a little.

Now back to serious business.

I am still deciding whether or not to maintain WordPress 2.5 compatibility for the next wave of updates for my plugins as WordPress 2.6 introduces a lot of constants like “WP_PLUGIN_URL”, “WP_PLUGIN_DIR”

2 potential issues that would break my plugin in WordPress 2.6 and I will be unable to fix it unless I find another way to do the AJAX, “Allow wp-config.php to exist one level up from WordPress root directory
and “Allow wp-content directory to exist in a custom location (not relative to ABSPATH)“.

Argh! WordPress 2.5 has the shortest development cycle!

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