This article is dated 4 days ago and posted on Nokia Conversations.
Here is an excerpt of it:
This article is dated 4 days ago and posted on Nokia Conversations.
Here is an excerpt of it:
After 1 month of weekends into my Mystery Shopper part-time job, time for me to blog/rant about it so that I can share it with you all.
Mystery shopper may sound like a nice, interesting, and perhaps a unique job. I would have to agree on that at the beginning and totally disagree on that after just 1 day of being a mystery shopper as it is becoming a chore instead.
BBC News has interviewed Bill Gates as he prepares to end his full-time work at Microsoft.
“Most of our competitors were very poorly run,” he tells Fiona Bruce, for The Money Programme.
My mom just bought a new refrigerator for the house. It is a Samsung RT58EAMT Refrigerator and it cost about S$915. The gross capacity of the fridge is 580 litres which is much bigger than my previous Sanyo SR-37ZB refrigerator. There is no one refrigerator big enough for my mom to put all her baking stuffs and hence my house always have 2 refrigerators ever since my mom picked up baking.
This new refrigerator is kinda cool, it will display the temperature of both the freezer and the refrigerator on the door. Now if only it has WIFI capability and we can monitor it directly from our browser, not just the temperature but also the groceries within the refrigerator.
I would like to thank WOM World for sending me my very own first poster which contains my nickname “gamerz”. They have sent it all the way from UK by DHL.
This shall be my very first poster that I am going to frame and hang it in my room.
THANK YOU to the whole team behind WOM World.
*UPDATE* I bought a poster frame (Width: 50cm x Height:70cm) from Ikea for S$19 frame it up and hanged it in my room just above my television.
I was invited to Nokia Connection 2008 which is an annual event. It is normally held just before Communicasia. This year it was held on the 16th and 17th June 2008. The first day was held at the Singapore Recreation Club while the second day was held at Mandarin Oriental. This year Nokia Connection saw the launch of two new products, the Nokia E66 and the Nokia E71 and the introduction of Share on Ovi.
Day 1
The event for the first day started at 7pm at the Singapore Recreation Club (SRC) which is located at B Connaught Drive, Singapore 179682 (The Padang). Nokia rented the space from SRC and catered the food from Mandarin Oriental. I am so afraid they are going to use SRC’s food which I have no idea whether it is nice or not. Nokia has not break the thought “Nokia Events Means Good Food” in me yet, and hopefully it will never happen.
The first event for the day was a performance of drums.
Razer Lycosa
Li Xiang and I was doing our Mystery Shopper job at Lot 1 Shopping Center and I come across 1 PC shop and 1 Game shop. I got myself an old Xbox game, Capcom Fighting Evolution from the game shop thinking that it should be backward compatible with my Xbox 360. When I reached home and to my horror it is not compatible with my Xbox 360. Just wasted $19.90! I think I shall pass the game to my uncle because he is holding on to my brother Xbox.
I saw a few Razer mouses and I was looking around for Razer keyboards. I saw the Razer Lycosa and when I looked at the price, I got a shocked. They are selling for $119 which is the cheapest according to Hardware Zone forums. Even at the PC Show 2008, they are selling it for $120 with no free gifts.
Dad’s Off To Vietnam4
My dad’s flight is 10am on Singapore Airlines to Vietnam. He will be there for 6 months and coming back on the 17th December 2008 I think. He told me that if everything is good, he may get to come back 3 months later for a short period.
Reached the airport at 8am and saw my dad check in. After a while, his colleagues came along and we parted. My mom, brother, Huimin and I then went to Swensens for breakfast. The breakfast is good and value for money. Should have that more often.
It looks EXACTLY the same as the old iPhone. But it is MUCH CHEAPER. US$199 for 8GB and USD299 for 16GB, which translate to S$271.81 for the 8GB and S$408.19 for the 16GB one. BUT the prices stated comes with a 2 years contract.
The only difference between the iPhone 3G and the iPhone is the additional of 3G support (duh), GPS (Assisted GPS), the back is now in black or white, flushed headphone jack and better audio quality.
Zhang Dong Liang (Nicholas Teo) Concert
Li Xiang bought the S$98 ticket to the Zhang Dong Liang Concert as there is a 10% discount from SISTIC. Apart from there, I think that SISTIC ticketing is a rip off. They increase their surcharge from $2 to $3 and apart from that, I have to pay handling charges. This is so ridiculous. This is what happen in Singapore when there is a monopoly. Just look at the fares for public transport, they keep increasing and increasing and we cannot do anything about it but to suck our own thumb.
Putting the price aside, the concert was fantastic, I think it is the best concert I have been to so far (I have been to only 3). The location is good, it is at Suntec Convention Center. The lighting is good. There is 2 screen projection on the left and right side with transition when switching to in-between cameras. There is even lyrics on the screen when he sang the song. I like concert when there is some talking and interaction rather than just pure singing. Zhang Dong Liang did just that by sharing us his life story including pictures of him when he is young projected on the screen.