
The Recruit

Went to school only for TBCM. Next week got TBCM job interview role play, must wear formal again. Should not have wash my long pants. Thanks to one of my classmate, my MMAD/MMAS prototype is now completed. Now left the beta test reports and questionnaire.

Went to Orchard for a walk as it was still early, so Lian and I decided to catch a The Recruit at Cineleisure. We sat the last row, which is the couple sits, then after a while 2 guys come and sit beside us, thought they made a mistake, but after a while and sad to say they are gay. Yucks.

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BTT Passed

Lian came my house in the morning, after that went to Marina Square’s Mos Burger for lunch. Watched Iron Ladies 2. It is in Thai and the show is around 2 hours long. The show is the gayest show I have ever watch, but nevertheless some part is quite touching although overall the show is meant to be funny as it is a comedy show.

Came home opened my letterbox, saw a letter from Traffic Police and it is addressed to me. I was quite excited because it confirm is my results slip for my BTT. Reached home, immediately opened it and I pass. Was very happy of course. Will be applying my provisional driving license (PDL) so that I can take the practical lessons in the circuit. Hehe =D

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IGRA Almost Completed

Went to eat Ng Ah Sio’s Pork Ribs Soup at Rangoon Road for lunch. Long time since I ate that. The pork ribs soup is the best in Singapore. =D~~~~

Came home spend the whole afternoon rushing my IGRA assignment. Now it is more or less completed, if possible I want to make the camera move, but don’t know how. LOL

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IGRA Madness

Went to eat my favorite Minced Pork Noodle at Bestway Building, been months since I ate it. Miss the noodle there. LOL

Spend the first half of the afternoon doing my IGRA assignment. As it requires alot of brain cells to be stressed, I need to take a rest, so I spend the second half of the afternoon sleeping. LOL

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IGRA Is Tough Actually

Went to school in the morning to do TBCM, left school about 1pm for lunch at Bugis. Was very hungry as I did not ate dinner last night and breakfast this morning. LOL

Went to OG at Albert’s Complex to look-see look-see. After that went to Sim Lim Square for a walk. Still could not find my idea PDA plus handphone. 65k colors, bluetooth, Pocket PC 2002 and Camera. LOL

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MMPJ Presentation

Heard from my friend that all mass lecture has been canceled due to the SARS outbreak, was uncertain at first, but after confirmation from BlackBoard(e-learning in SP), it is true. Don’t know to be happy or sad. LOL. Thus my briefing on my Year 3 electives are also canceled.

Later went for my MMPJ presentation, well everything turn out quite smooth.

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April’s Fool

Had my PCT practical test today, well wonder to consider myself luckily or unluckily. I am unluckily because I suey suey got to install WinNT for my test, and it really sucks, no device manager, using IE 2.0 and so many drivers cannot support. I am lucky also because of WinNT, Lian is the 2nd session of the test after mine. The class had problems installing drivers on Win98SE. From my own point of view, Win98 is hell lots of problems especially with drivers. Used it before on my old com and I hated it.

Went to Orchard later to buy Lian’s thermometer. Practically the whole of Singapore normal thermometer has been sold out because of the SARS. LOL. Was tempted by Mos Burger at Ngee Ang City, so had a light snack there. The salad there tastes good. LOL

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Late Dinner

Went to Orchard area to shop for Lian presentation clothes after school. Had a light lunch at Cineleisure foodcourt. Had Macaroni soup. Nowadays better not eat too heaty stuffs, especially fried food. And drink lots of water.

Came back took a nap till 8.30pm and went out for dinner. Actually dinner suppose to be 7.30pm, but my mom meeting drag till 8.00pm. Thus had a very late dinner.

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Ponderosa Belated Birthday Lunch

There supposed to be a total of 5 people(including Shaun and I) going to the belated birthday lunch. But only 3 people went, Shaun, David and I. Ate Ponderosa at Raffles City.

Been at least 6 years since I ate Ponderosa, alot of things has changed. Now they got weekday lunch buffet and the salad bar has much more food now compared to many years back. Thought there will be a weekend lunch buffet, but to our disappointed, they do not. Ate the Ala Carte Menu, had the Black Pepper Steak. One thing good is that all ala carte menu is entitled to the salad bar buffet. LOL. The steak really taste good and the price is quite reasonable. At most $25 per person for a main course and the salad bar buffet. Will try eating the weekday lunch buffet someday. LOL.

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