
Iomega 1st Blogging Event

When I posted my pictures of Iomega’s 1st Blogging Event which happened yesterday, many thought that Iomega is dead after their Zip Drive failed to penetrate the market because of the widespread of USB flash drives. But in fact they have been bought over by EMC which is a Fortune 500 company and specializes in data storage for US$213 million.

But yeah, now they are back. I kinda like Iomega products, I got their 100MB, 250MB, and 750MB Zip Drives and I got a few old computers that are using their CD Writer and it is still working today. BTW, TDK DVD Writer sucks, mine was spoilt before even reaching 2 years.

Iomega Products Offering
Iomega Products Offering

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NUS Commencement 2010 – Officially Graduated

Thanks to Li Xiang for the graduation gift, she bought it for me when we are in Hong Kong During April 2010! Meet Dahhhh, the rabbit from Raving Rabbids!

This year NUS Commencement 2010 for School of Computing is on Wednesday, 7th July 2010 at 8pm! Seriously hate the 8pm slot because after the ceremony ended or even before it started it is already at night and can’t really take good pictures.

Raving Rabbids
Raving Rabbids

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Fatcow’s 3,926 Free Web Icons

I got an email from Andrey Kem asking me whether I need any custom icons for my plugin as she has been a WordPress user since 2003 and realized my plugins does use icons from famfamfam. Just in case you are wondering, she is intending to create the world’s biggest icon set containing 3,000 3,500 3,800 3,926 icons and offering it for free. Currently only 1,400 icons are available, the remaining are still in the works.

It is available in PNG of sizes 16×16, 32×32 and some in 48×48 and 96×96 in one big zip package!

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