
Funny: Company Memo

Saw this funny article on the last page of 8 days issue 709 (May 6 – May 13, 2004). I find it is quite good, so decided to type it out word for word and share it with you guys.

Company Memo
Welcome back to the office after Labour Day. Please be advised that there are new rules and regulations implemented to raise the efficiency of our Organization.

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The Punisher

Saw The Punisher last night. It was quite a good movie, storyline and action was quite good. Definitely better than Daredevil. If you are a Marvel fan, it is a must watch movie. It will be out in Singapore somewhere 2nd week of June. Definitely it will be PWC (Passed With Cuts) means it will be censored because a few scenes containing violence and nudity. But it is a very minor part, so overall it is still ok.

Went out with Calvin and Victor today to Bugis and Suntec for a walk/talk/see girls. Bought a Dragonball Z VCD set containing 14 VCDs. Now I have the complete collection on Dragonball Z and GT. And yes, I am a Dragonball fan till now.

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Nike Cap

Went to shop for some stuffs yesterday with Jackey and LiXiang, all the way from Wheelock to Plaza Singapura. Bought a Nike Cap for $23, shall use that for army purposes. Wanted to buy a slippers/sandals, thought of getting Teva, but their biggest size is 10. Had dinner at Ajisen Ramen in Plaza Singapura before having a chill out session at Starbucks.

X-Box Live is also having a launch at Ngee Ang City. It seems the whole of Orchard Road is extremely crowded yesterday. Had a hard time walking around in shopping centers when always there is a person in front of you taking his/her own sweet time to walk.

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50 First Dates

Had our 9th weekly dinner at Novena Square. Actually we went there to see the Malaysia Tour Fair, and we do not know what to eat at there. Thought of going to other place for dinner when we saw Magic Wok at the top level. Thus, we settle for that. The food there is average and it is quite cheap, we ordered lots of dishes and each of us pay $9.50.

Had a chill out session at Spinelli till it closes. The girl who told us that there are closing have a serious attitude problem.

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Meeting With ICT’s Director

On Tuesday, met up with the backpacking crew (Jackey, Laily, LiXiang, Terry and SuQin) at Queensway Shopping center to collect their bags that they have ordered on Sunday. Had dinner at Alexandra Village and we ordered Fried Sambal KangKong, Beancurd and Sting Ray from the stall my family and I normally will patronize, not too sure of the name. We ordered another hot plate chicken from some stalls and it kinda suck. Hawker food is cheap, each of us pay paid $7.50 for a filling dinner. I wonder how long can this price last. Everything is going up in Singapore besides salary.

Today, went to school for a meeting with our SP’s ICT director, Mr Song. Was early, so went up to check on ZhiFan’s group National Library Board project. It is a virtual walk though of the new NLB building done in 3DS Max. It was fantastic. NLB damn smart, ask ITP students (cheap labour) to do such stuffs. 3 person doing this project, each paid $400 per month for a total of 4 months, it total up to $4800. I think this project will definitely cost more if it was to outsource to other companies. I think they should at least pay them $450 to $500.

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Weekend Recap

On Saturday, went out with Calvin and JingWei to Suntec. Tried the new Burger King burger. It was average. The new cheese nuggets was also average, still prefer the cheese sticks. Through out the whole session, we keep talking about NS stuff, now know more about it. It is better to be mentally prepared than go there blur as a sotong.

On Sunday went out for breakfast with my parents to Nooch at Paragon. They have quite alot of variety and the price is reasonable plus the portion is quite huge. The Nudle Bar at Heeren will become Billy Bombers soon.

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Clark Quay

Had my weekly dinner with my click at Clark Quay. We ate at Quayside Grilled Seafood, the food was not bad, price is reasonable, service was excellent when we first sat but as soon we are going to finished our dinner, the service dropped.

Had Gelato Ice Cream at Liang Court before proceeding to Singapore River Bank to chill out. Talked about Paranormal stuffs. There is one thing called ‘Time Lapse’, I am not too sure whether it is the right word to use. For example Geargina brought this up. A couple was at Clementi, the boyfriend went toilet and did not came back. The girl made a police report and 2 weeks later the boy came back saying that he was in the toilet for only 5 minutes.

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Some Rants

Starhub MaxOnline was down for more than 15 minutes yesterday. At first I thought it is my problem only, after smsing/calling some of my friends, they told me theirs also down. Slowly I realize that it is whole of Singapore. Tried calling their hotline but it was engaged, and I was told even if I managed to get through, I have to wait for 20 minutes or more to speak to their CSO. You called that good service? This afternoon, I woke up, realized that my cable got dced again at around 8am.

That is it, I am totally pissed off with Starhub, regretted signing the 2 years contract with them. Once the contract expire and there is a faster ADSL/DSL connection available, I will definitely switch ISP. Now I am looking at Qala or Magix. Can’t wait the day where we will have T1 or T3 line for residents.

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Kill Bill Vol 2

Kill Bill Vol 2 opens here in Singapore tomorrow, finally the rating is out, which is M18. I doubt they will censor anything because it is not as gory as Vol 1 beside the eye part. The movie length is about 2 hours. Overall, the entire Kill Bill was ok, but somehow Vol 1 got more fight scenes and I kinda prefer it.

The Telesync version which is around 2.0GB(3 CDs), the quality is not that bad but most importantly it is still watchable. Hope the DVD rip will be out before I go in for NS. The Punisher, Dawn Of The Dead and 50 First Dates are the movies I am going to get next.

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