The SteelSeries Rival was launched last year in October and is now retailing for S$99 in Singapore. The mouse is compatible with both PC and Mac.
The Rival is a right-handed profile mouse with injected rubber grips and a rubberised, anti-sweat coating. At the bottom of the mouse, contains the Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) material feet that gives you a consistent and optimal glide across all surface types. PTFE has one of the lowest friction against any solid.
SteelSeries Rival Optical Gaming Mouse – Box Front
Western Digital (WD) produces the best hard drives and Synology produces the best prosumer Network Attached Storage (NAS). I have two NAS at home, both are from Synology and using WD hard drives.
My Synology DiskStation DS210j is on 2x WD Green 1TB running 24/7 since 2010 and my Synology DiskStation DS413j is on 4x WD Red 1TB running 24/7 since 2013. After all these years, both NAS and their hard drives did not give me a single problem at all.
The SanDisk Ultra Fit USB 3.0 Flash Drive got to be the smallest USB 3.0 flash drive that I have seen! It is about the size of a Singapore 20 cents coin and is capable of a read speed of up to 130MB/s.
Launched on the 19th August 2014, it is retailing for 16GB (S$13.90), 32GB (S$25.90) and 64GB (S$52.90).
SanDisk Ultra Fit USB 3.0 Flash Drive – Packaging Front
Announcing the two winners of the Fitbit Flex Colors Giveaway which I held back on 7th October 2014. Since some of my friends have taken part, the winners have been being picked by Text100 (PR of Fitbit) to ensure fairness.
Thanks to Fitbit, I will be giving out two Fitbit Flexs worth S$129 to two lucky winners.
The two lucky winners will be able to choose their own color for their Fitbit Flex. You will be getting the actual Fitbit Flex tracker with your preferred Fitbit Flex color wristband accessory and not just the wristband accessory.
Thanks to SingTel for giving me 2 years free subscription to try out their Fibre Internet so that I can compare it with my existing 300Mbps StarHub MaxInfinity Fibre Internet.