
End Of Block Leave

Had lunch with my family at a Chinese restaurant in King’s Hotel. The service sucks because for 20 minutes we are like glass, no one bothered to serve us utensils and to take our order. In terms of food, only 3 dishes are good, the rest cannot make it.

Suppose to watch New Police Story with my parents, but end up meeting my platoon mates for dinner at Marina South. 14 people turned up, more than those who booked in for the re-ippt/soc. LOL

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Resident Evil: Apocalypse

Met up with LiXiang at Great World City to watch Resident Evil: Apocalypse. The movie is 2 hours long, it is much more action packed than the first one but the storyline kinda simple as compared to the first part. Conclusion, I still prefer the first Resident Evil. The ending of the movie ended with Project Alice. Anyone played the game care to share how the storyline goes. I am sure there will be a Resident Evil 3 in the movies.

Had dinner at Zion Road Hawker Center before walking to Tiong Bahru Market that area to meet up with Laily and Serene. They worked till 9pm+. Suppose to eat again together with them, but end up watch them eat and I just ordered a drink. Their boss also came down for a chat and he paid for my drink also. Quite a friendly chap.

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My Cousin Enlisted Into Pegasus

Had lunch with my mom and brother at Harbour Front, quite alot of changes have been made since I last went there. The front part of it is now accessible with new shops in it.

Tried out the Noodle Hut, it serves Shanghainess food. The fried la-mien and guo tie is nice but not the xiao long bao. The food is quite expensive compared to Ding Tai Fung.

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Shit Job

Reach Tekong at 8.30pm yesterday night, walked all the way to my company line instead of marching. Went up my bunk realise all our food and my liquid shoe polish is gone. Must be those bloody sergeants who took them. Luckily my friend brought in 4 cup noodles.

Only 12 from my platoon turned up, out of around 30. 18 of them must be bloody chao keng idiots. I regretted not getting att c.

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Familiar Faces

Went to visit my grandfather and my auntie in Toa Payoh, been months since I last visited them. Kinda miss them because when I was young I stayed at my auntie house and my grandfather house was just opposite.

Had Kuay Chup for dinner, cheap and good, 4 of us eat only $7.80.

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End Of BMT

Had my Pass Out Parade(POP) at around 4pm. Everything went on smoothly, even the human traffic is very well regulated as compared to the parents visiting day.

After the parade ended, all of us from Pegasus(including sergeants) form a very huge circle with our OC and 2IC in the middle and we sang Peng You, the feeling was very good.

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The Terminal

Booked out the earliest so far, took the 8am fastcraft, reached Singapore at 8.30am. Had breakfast at Hans with my parents before meeting up with LiXiang for The Terminal at GV Marina.

The show is slightly more than 2 hours long, is a good show, nice storyline (based on a true story) with a little touch of romance.

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Live Range

Booked out yesterday night, reached Singapore at 8.30pm. Suppose to booked out tonight, but they had changed the schedule. They postponed the Live Grenade Throwing to Sunday instead of Saturday, which means I will be booking in later at 8.15pm. Very short weekend indeed, less than 24 hours.

Bloody company that organising the CO’s evening set the theme for that night to be cultural (I can’t remember the word to use, but I know the word starts with letter e), which means we are suppose to find cultural clothes within that “less than 24 hours” booked out time. I can’t be bothered about it, shall be wearing formal.

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Reach Singapore at around 12.30pm. Wanted to catch Bourne Supremacy at GV Tiong Bahru at 1.50pm, but couldn’t make it on time, thus I had lunch with my family at Alexander Village eating the Depot Road laksa. No idea why I was so thirsty at that time. Drank 4 types of drinks (soya bean, ice milk tea, banana milkshake and olong tea) while having my meal.

Came home meddle about with my computer. The 2nd phrase of Half-Life 2 pre-loading begun, this time it pre-loads around 900mb worth of audio data. Windows Media Player 10 has also been released. It has so much improvements compared to WMP 9.

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Alien vs Predator

Thursday (Graduation Day)
Went back to school for breakfast at FC6. It feels weird when you are the only person wearing uniform, but soon after more NS guys in uniform came. Had wanton mee and seafood soup for lunch. Really missed the food/good old times there. Went to take a token of appreciation from Mr Ahmad for my WSC, it was a pen given by the principle of ICT.

The SP convention center is very nice, with 2 large screens on top on both sides. I was very impressed by it. The whole ceremony took about 2 hours. It was shorter than I expected. You are given 1 white card with barcode on it, once you reach the stage, you have to scan it, then it will read out your name and then you proceed to collect your empty scroll box. Very computerised.

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